Ayoub, Phillip M., Vera Mironova and Sam Whitt. ‘The Recognition of Shared Suffering after Violence: ISIS Victimization and LGBT+ Support in Mosul Iraq,’ Comparative Political Studies, forthcoming
Ayoub, Phillip M., Douglas Page and Sam Whitt. ‘Countering International Anti-LGBT+ Backlash by Discrediting the Messengers: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Bosnia,' Political Research Quarterly, forthcoming
Kristina Stöckl, and Ayoub, Phillip M. ‘Transnational Illiberal Networks,’ in Marlene Laruelle (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Illiberalism, 2023 Ayoub, Phillip M. ‘Marriage Equality Campaigns (Europe).’ In David A. Snow, Donatella della Porta, Bert Klandermans and Doug McAdam (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2022
Ayoub, Phillip M. ‘LGBTI Human Rights in Global Politics’ Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, Oxford University Press, 1-50, 2022
Ayoub, Phillip M. and David Paternotte. ‘Europe and LGBT Rights: A Conflicted Relationship,’ in Michael Bosia, Sandra McEvoy and Momin Rahman (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Global LGBT and Sexual Diversity Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 153-168, 2020
Ayoub, Phillip M., Sophia Wallace and Chris Zepeda-Millán. ‘Triangulation in Social Movement Research,’ in Donatella della Porta (ed.) Methodological Practices In Social Movement Research, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 67-96, 2014
Ayoub, Phillip M. and David Paternotte. ‘Introduction,’ in Phillip Ayoub and David Paternotte (eds.) LGBT Activism and the Making of Europe: A Rainbow Europe?, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-25, 2014
Ayoub, Phillip M. and David Paternotte. ‘Conclusion,’ in Phillip Ayoub and David Paternotte (eds.) LGBT Activism and the Making of Europe: A Rainbow Europe?, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 233-240, 2014
Ayoub, Phillip M. ‘Forward.’ in Radzhana Buyantueva Maryna Shevtsova (eds.) LGBTQ+ Activism in Central and Eastern Europe: Resistance, Representation and Identity, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, v-ix, 2020
Kaufman-Osborn, Timothy, Jyl Josephson, Royal Cravens, Phillip Ayoub, Barry Adam, Keally McBride, and Queer Thomas. ‘Staying Tuned: LGBTQIA Politics in the Trump Era.’ Politics and Gender, 14(4): E17, 2018